Welcome to our Titan Grad Party night experience!

Grad Night will be here before we know it!  Grad Night will be here on June 5, 2025! Now more than ever, doesn’t it seem like the right time to give our seniors a fantastic night with friends for the last time before going off to college or jobs?

We are looking forward to an exciting night for the graduating class of 2025.  We have a big bash planned with food and prizes galore at an exciting location.

We ensure that your senior will be safe and have a terrific time.  Our plans are underway, and we are in need of donations and senior and non-senior parent volunteers!  Please help us make this a memorable one!

 – The Grad Night Committee


The Safe and Sober Grad Night event immediately follows the graduation ceremony for all West Salem High School Seniors.  It’s the perfect capstone to the high school experience and one last opportunity for seniors to gather with high school friends and classmates.    

Why should I go?  Every single senior that has attended past events has said so! Example quotes: 

“I couldn’t have imagined we’d have so much fun. It was awesome!”  

“I’ve never had this kind of chance to spend time with my class. It was amazing, and I’m so happy I attended.”  

“It gave me a chance to unwind and celebrate with my friends after all of our hard work. I’d absolutely recommend it.”  

“I had no idea what to expect, and it was an absolute blast.  I’m so glad I went.” 

What is Grad Night?

The Grad Night Committee plans Grad Night. It is not an official, school-sponsored event.  

Grad Night gives the graduating class an opportunity to celebrate without the use of any illegal substances. This tradition was started many years ago and is a safe and sober event on what statistically is a “HIGH RISK” night for our graduates. 

When is Grad Night?

For the Class of 2025, Graduation is on Thursday, June 5.  Grad Night is held immediately following the Graduation Ceremony. Grad Night begins when the Seniors check in at the buses and are transported to a fantastic venue and secure location where they will celebrate all night.    

Please note: There is a short time after Graduation when you may take pictures.  There is no time for dinner.  Please plan on being at the bus 9:00 pm-10:00 pm. The departure time is 10 pm sharp.  If you want to have a celebratory meal with your graduating Senior, please plan accordingly. 

Basic information:

Bus loading in Salem 9:00-10:00 PM

Langers 11:00 PM – 5:00 AM

Drop off in Salem at 6:00 AM

Where is Grad Night?

The Grad Night committee selects the location, which is normally kept secret from the seniors until they arrive. We are not going to keep you in suspense. The venue will be held at: Langer’s Entertainment Center (Sherwood, OR)

Who can attend Grad Night?

Grad Night is open to all West Salem High School 2025 graduating students in good standing with no discipline issues.  

How much is Grad Night?

The Grad Night ticket price is $50 until Jan 31, 2025 / $60 Feb-May 15 / $75 May 16-June 4.  For questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the Titan Grad Party committee at westsrgradparty@gmail.com.

The ticket price covers the venue’s cost, food, drink, bus transportation, prizes of all kinds, and more fun than your Senior can imagine!

Please privately email us if you want to attend but cannot afford the full price of your ticket at westsrgradparty@gmail.com.  This information will remain confidential.  Some scholarships are available!

Please note:  Registration fees are NON-REFUNDABLE unless canceled by the Grad Committee.

How do I sign up for Grad Night?

Purchase tickets HERE!   


If you would like to make a donation to support WSHS Grad Night, please go to the  Donate tab of this website for more information.  

If you would like to volunteer to help make the WSHS Grad Night a success, please go to the Fundraisers tab of this website for more information.  

Other Questions?
